Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement​

Are you seeking support to foster collaboration among stakeholders, ensuring ethical and responsible practices underpin change? Unsure of where to begin? Let us give you a hand.

At Strategic Matters, stakeholder engagement is at the heart of what we do. We thrive on the challenge, dynamism, and potential of every engagement process. With a wealth of experience, and accolades spanning diverse stakeholder communities, our approach consistently yields impactful results.

From grassroots community initiatives to political decision-making spheres, our engagement services cover a wide spectrum. Our portfolio includes work in community focus groups, cultural development, strategic planning, team building, and state + national submission responses.

Our expertise extends to risk management in boardrooms, facilitating governance reviews, and orchestrating statewide visioning sessions on critical issues like climate change, bushfire management, national energy planning, Reconciliation Action Planning, waste management and public libraries.

Our proven track record includes successful collaborations with federal, state, and local governments, boards, non-profits, and communities of interest—particularly on contentious and complex matters.

We collaborate closely with clients to understand and navigate stakeholder relationships and political landscapes. Our commitment involves dedicating time and effort upfront to grasp the nuances of your business and objectives, ensuring our process and tools work for you.

Our services encompass:

  • Stakeholder diagnostics, management, and engagement
  • Tailored stakeholder engagement processes for projects of all sizes
  • Facilitation training
  • Report writing

We’re eager to work together to foster positive change through inclusive and responsible stakeholder engagement practices. Let’s make a difference together.

Projects of Note

City of Adelaide / DEW

Stakeholder and community engagement for the development of Carbon Neutral Adelaide Plan

City of Burnside

Stakeholder engagement for Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan

City of Holdfast Bay

Greening of the Sturt River community engagement over 3 years

Environment Protection Authority

stakeholder engagement over two years for Adelaide Coastal Waters Quality Improvement Management Plan

 Local Government Association of South Australia

Award winning NRM Governance Statewide Project


Department for Environment and Water

Facilitation of the Minister’s Bushfire Recovery  Taskforce Committee workshops over 12 month period.

Public Library Services SA (PLS SA)

Statewide stakeholder engagement and political interface for the development of the Vision Plan for PLS SA


Independent Facilitator for the Consumer Advisory Panel

The Environment Institute

Stakeholder engagement across a range of projects including Urban greening / green cites, carbon sequestration, shell reef health and climate change

Office of Sustainability

Stakeholder Engagement and development of SA’s first Climate Strategy


Honestly, your climate change workshops were some of the best I’ve been to across Australia
(Bureau of Meteorology)

Strategic Matters’ expertise in designing and delivering astute engagement ensures we’re always in safe hands.
(City of Holdfast Bay)

We truly valued your facilitation skills in responding to the ‘temperature of the room’ and adjusting the agenda accordingly.
(Minister’s Bushfire Recovery Taskforce)